bannière notre équipe

Meet our team

La Malle Postale, hello!

To respond to requests from all over the world, our staff are on hand at our Le Puy-en-Velay branch.

They are ready to respond to your needs, reassure you and solve the slightest problem. And in almost any language!

Drivers who are passionate about what they do and take great care of you

Every day, our drivers criss-cross the roads of the Massif Central and the Brittany coastline.

True experts of the road, they drive you in complete serenity and make the journey a pleasant and convivial experience. They also carry your luggage with care and attention.

Loyal and experienced transport partners

To meet your needs on more than 50 routes throughout France, La Malle Postale also works with a number of partners!

You can count on them to transport your luggage on a daily basis, as well as for tailor-made transport.


Chairman of LMP and Co-Managing Director of La Malle Postale

Working alongside Manu when La Malle Postale was set up, Nadine is now the company's manager. She always scans the files carefully: beware of overweight luggage!

Between accounting and liaising with travel agents, Nad' will also be able to listen carefully to your itineraries.


Co-Manager of La Malle Postale and Stevenson Planner

He's your transport orchestra conductor: planning the drivers' routes is his hobbyhorse. Always at the head of the class, he doesn't hesitate to put his foot down on all the important issues.

As you may have guessed, Seb is just as keen on the rules as he is on looking after his animals!


Director of La Malle Développement

A bearded Breton expatriate in La Malle since 2011. Gruff but efficient, he'll provide you with solutions to all your technical questions while orchestrating the commercial and technological development strategy.

Every September, for the Bird King celebrations, he will don his Renaissance costume and sing period songs in his deep voice.


Permanent team leader - Reservations manager

Not Jeanna, not Liana, but Yana with a J. With us since 2014, it is with rigour that she takes care of almost everything, almost everything, and still other things!

A real machine, she can answer an email, draw up a quote, take a call and serve you a beer at the same time!


Reservations manager

Manuel, the irreplaceable one. Part of the team since 2012, our foreign language specialist. He speaks at least 10 languages, but not all of them are well known.

A keen salesman, he deals with quotes and bookings by email and telephone. He takes advantage of his free time with his camera around his neck.


Seasonal team leader - Reservations manager

Driver, then consultant, then community manager, then pastry chef, then...

Yes, Damien is versatile and doesn't like to be bored. A true Swiss Army knife, he also handles a rolling pin, but rest assured that he will only use it as a last resort.


Reservations manager

Marion joined the team in 2018 and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. With 10 years of basketball under her belt, she'll always put team spirit first!

A very natural person, she aspires to a healthy life that respects the environment (except perhaps snakes...).


Reservations manager

Our invaluable agency specialist, a title for which she is fiercely fighting with Marion, stands out for her unflappable calm and refreshing directness.

But don't be fooled by her apparent seriousness, because Alexiane hides a sharp sense of humour.

His kindness, professionalism and sense of humour make him an indispensable member of our team.


Stevenson and Vehicle transfer Planner

Behind the wheel of one of our minibuses or your car, or in the office planning rounds and convoys...

Always on hand to help, Mathieu also has a knack for finding the right word to make you laugh. In winter he's a ski instructor in La Plagne, and in summer he juggles aperitifs with fly fishing.


Planner St-Jacques (Le puy)

Rémi the 'pyrotechnician' is almost a first-timer! Depuis 2011, il sait maintenir les randonneurs éveillés durant des trajets parfois longuets. Above all, today he's an excellent planner, capable of redoing an entire tour in the blink of an eye!

If you're a cycling enthusiast, you may come across him along the way. If you do, a word of advice: get out of the way!


Planner St-Jacques (Figeac)

Joanna is the Malle à Figeac's magic wand! With us since 2022, she knows how to drive, plan, manage the drivers' schedules, the vehicles... in short, she knows how to do it all!

A lover of exotic animals (lizards and other reptiles), which she pampers even in her office, Joanna has no equal when it comes to caring for others with openness, humour and a smile!


Planner Bretagne

Norman at heart, but now a specialist in the Brittany sector, Océane reigns over the Breton coastline with a master's hand.

Living a busy life, she is perfectly able to fulfil her many missions.

Always ready to help, she'll find the right solution with good humour.

Sylvain V

Web Developer

Behind the website, behind the bookings, is Sylvain, our chief developer-magician. React, Symfony, ElasticSearch, Redis... Don't understand any of it? Neither do we, but he does.

When he's not mucking out, Sylvain looks after a small vineyard in Polignac and accompanies Pierre-Yves on the transverse flute to Irish tunes.

Sylvain F

Tourism Officer

A former member of the FFrandonnée, Sylvain knows every trail in the department like the back of his hand. Which route would he recommend? The Gr 3!

But don't limit him to the Haute-Loire, he knows all our roads like the back of his hand. A fan of new technologies, he's also very comfortable behind his PC!


Tourism Officer

Previously a seasonal worker at La Malle, Jordan joined the dev team in 2020. Calm and patient, he has no equal when it comes to helping you solve your little problems on the trails!

Sitting on his ball, he'll be able to answer you in English as well as Spanish. A traveller, sportsman and petanque enthusiast, Jordan is also full of humour and is not the last person to get the office going!

Emmanuel Ollier

Founder of La Malle Postalle

Manu founded La Malle Postale in 2009. Although he started out alone on the route to Santiago de Compostela, he soon surrounded himself with a solid team to offer new services on other walking routes.

Manu was a passionate lover of nature and sport, and passed on his values to his business for almost 10 years!